Baby (Madden?) is getting closer to making his appearance, though not a very fun pregnancy for me! During much of my first and second trimester, I had extremely high blood pressure where I had to monitor my activities and then measure my blood pressure. If an activity caused my blood pressure to soar then I had to lay down-and stay down! I had these 3 little kids during much of the summer who had to spend countless hours in my room with me because I was "down." Once that started to diminish, I took the awesome Glucola test at the doctors office. I failed the first test and had to go take the 3 hour test. I failed again. I felt like a failure! It took its toll on me definitely. I was told by the Diabetic Clinic that it is not my fault, and that there was not one thing that I could have done differently to have it be any different (besides not be born to my dad as it is genetic.) I was put on a pretty strict nutritional diet where I have to consume 30 grams of carbs per meal, along with 15 grams of protein-exactly. 2 hours later, I have to test my blood sugar to make sure that it is within reasonable range. It worked well for like...a day...and then my body almost quit making insulin. I had to be put on a medication to help my body to do just that. Several days later, it still wasn't enough. Dr. Smith had to increase my dosage to twice a day where I would take it both morning and night. This FINALLY has seemed to do the trick. The beauty of it is that I have lost almost 8 pounds total during the final weeks of pregnancy, bringing my total weight gain for my whole pregnancy, in my 9th month to 10 1/2 pounds. I think I can handle that okay. It really just makes me wonder what the size of this baby is really going to be! Logan was 9.5 lbs, Jensyn was 7lbs 14 oz, and Jack was 9 lbs 3 oz. Now that with gestational diabetes, the likelihood of having a large baby is almost inevitable if it is untreated. Well, I would say I do keep it treated, but my normal size baby is large! I am now 33 weeks today, and if all goes as planned, I will have a new baby on Thursday October 29 (John's birthday), so just over 5 weeks. We are really getting excited. All of the kids are excited as well to have this new addition. It does seem so weird to be having a 4th! We were married when I was 19 and had Logan when I was almost 25--and then boom, boom, boom (...and boom)! Now in December I will be 30 and I can focus on losing the weight and raising my family!
I have been keeping busy with the PTA. I am the Historian again this year and also I am on the Executive Board doing Membership. This has definitely been interesting with ALL that has been going on with my health. I also received a new calling at church--the 2nd Counselor in the Relief Society. I am pretty excited and hope that I can bring to the table a new perspective. I love my Enrichment Leader and I think it will be awesome!
Cute Chelsey and Tony will be adding to their family as well and I cannot wait to see what they are having. Will Madden have a friend? I hope so! How fun.
Well, I think that about sums up what I have been dealing with the last few months. This too shall pass and things will be back to normal in no time.