It was a wonderful day for our family. Long anticipated, and wonderful! I thought she looked like an angel! I know Logan loved being baptized with her cousin Bailey. The party afterwards was so much fun because I think I have the best family and extended family on the planet. I wish I would have taken some pictures of ALL those who supported Logan today. The Russells, the Rudds, the Mertlichs, Kirt and his kids (we missed Leslie, she was out braving a marathon in Moab!), the Stouts, my parents, John's parents, John's Great Aunt Ruth. In addition to MANY friends from our ward who stopped by. We really have a wonderful support system and I thank my Heavenly Father every single day for them!
Logan told me today that she has never felt the urge to bear her testimony in sacrament meeting. That changed this afternoon, when she came up to me and whispered that she felt like she needed to stand and bear her testimony on Sunday (or Fast Sunday). She told me that it must be the Holy Ghost telling her that.
I love the purity of a child. I love their innocence and their love for all things good! I am so glad for the example of Logan to help lead my kids in righteousness! Cheesy, I know. I love my family!
Congratulations, Logan!