I consider myself to be a very blessed person...for many reasons. I have a happy marriage and a handsome husband who happens to be my best friend. He is an extremely hard worker and can provide for me and my family on his own. I have 4 of the most darling children that I think I have ever seen (and I am learning that 'each crow thinks his is the blackest') something that my mom has told me for years. I have a nice home in a nice neighborhood (in a great city, in a nice state, and in the best country). My kids are smart, quick learners (but somehow I can't teach them to clean up after themselves...go figure.) I have been blessed in abundance. We've been blessed with fabulous relationships. I love the family that I have married into: Dave and Aimee Rudd and their family, John and Sue Russell and their family. These families have welcomed us into their families as if that is where we belonged. I am so grateful for extended family on John's side that we have. I admire everything about them, and my kids do too!
I am grateful for my own family...my mom and dad, my sisters and my brother. My family came to my rescue last week when I was completely confined to my bed for an entire week. Holly doubled her load for a whole 24 hours with my 4 kids, added to her 4 kids. She even braved taking them to church! She had nothing but sweet things to say to me about my kids, but then again, Holly only ever says sweet things. Chelsey almost doubled her workload, as well, though she probably even had her hands more full with three babies under three of her own, plus my 2 babies under 4! Casey used her weekend to do the same. It was my parents who took me and sat with me in the emergency room while I rambled...that Morphine does that to me (and it makes my nose and face itch...Chels, that one's for you!). Mind you, I am NOT an emergency room kind of person, but I couldn't even move an inch from laying flat on my back without excruciating pain across my lower back, bum, and leg. I've had 4 Cesarean deliveries and it didn't come close to the pain I was experiencing! John was in Lake Powell with a group of buddies from our ward, and so he couldn't be of any assistance. So many people jumped in to save me that week, without any hesitation. I called my my visiting teacher to come and get my girls to school (thanks Rochelle), and she was so sweet and offered to take the boys while she was getting ready to go out of town! My awesome friend, Kjersti picked up the boys from her and had them for a few hours until my parents picked them up and took them to their house. From there, it just took off. I could not have kept an eye on my kids, or recovered without the help of so many willing people. And, oh how I missed my sweet husband.
When I was down, the kids were so scared because I was crying and I couldn't walk. Jack and Jensyn, with scared smiles on their faces came into the room and Jack said: "Mom, don't worry, I can give you a blessing." That made my cry even more. What a sweet little boy I have. When they realized that wouldn't work, their scared smiles turned into teary eyed kids. They weren't used to seeing me so wrecked. I love my sweet kids!
As of late, I have been brutally aware how grateful I am for mental health for my family and myself. I never knew that mental health is such a trial for many people. It is scary how many people are unstable with their emotional (and physical, haha) life. Mental health...that's a big one.
Oh, wow. There is so much more on my mind right now, so much gratitude in my heart for all that I have been blessed with!
I love counting my blessings.