Squishy toes, Easter Bunny, Kabodan, Kaboner. I love you so much. You are such a beautiful little 5 year old. Preschool has worked magic on you and you can now read pretty well! A great start to kindergarten this fall. Dad always calls you memorex because you know and can remember everything! I have appreciated all you have done to help with baby Jack. He and Jensyn love you so much for being their big sister. You have always tried to be a pleaser. You love going to church and sometimes are the reason that we end up going that particular week. I am so proud of you and am so glad that you are my little girl. Your dad loves you and loves spending time with you. When you were born, there were dry patches of skin. One, in particular was between your shoulder blades. Upon asking you dad what causes it, he said "it is where they cut off her wings." I don't think I'll ever forget that. I love how you are always telling me how you love me. You are the best.
I hope that you will always rememer who you are and that your dad and I love you so much!
I love you!
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