Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jensyn!

FOUR years ago, Jensyn Kenedy was born!  I remember calling Dr. Smith's office the Friday afternoon prior to delivering Jensyn (I was scheduled for a c-section on Monday.)  It went something like this:

"Hi, I have the BIGGEST favor!  I was watching the weather and we have a problem.  I am scheduled for a c-section on Monday, and that just isn't going to work."

"Ok...." my cute office nurse said.  "What seems to be the problem?"

"Well, my husband owns his own company, and you see, there is a snow storm that is supposed to hit on Monday--he plows the snow.  I need him with me, so what are the chances that you can do the surgery before Monday?"

"How far along are you?"

"I'll be 39 weeks on Monday."

"Hmmm.  Insurance requires deliveries no earlier than 39 weeks unless there is a medical emergency.  I'll talk to Dr. Smith."

At about 4:30 that afternoon, Dr. Smith called me back.  "I understand your concern!  Here's the plan he said.  Go to Alta View at 7:00 in the morning.  Tell them that you are having horrible pains.  The trick is going to be that I am not the doctor on call, so you have to really make a good case.  You have to somehow get them to call ME, not the doctor on call.  I will tell them that we need  to prep you STAT for surgery and I'll come in.  Good luck!"

Saturday morning rolled around.  I went in to AVH and pleaded my case as best I could.  They indeed could see some major contractions (I couldn't feel them!)  and saw my prior history with Logan.  Within about 20 minutes, I was notified that I was to be prepped and ready for surgery by 10:00 am.  Jensyn was born very healthy, and for being one of my babies, small!

I was able to deliver that Saturday, and then come Monday, John was out pushing snow.  I LOVE Dr. Smith.  He works miracles.  I believe that he saved Logan's life prior to her birth.  He has been my doctor since I was 16 years old, when I found a mass.  

Jensyn Kenedy-Birth
7lbs 14 ounces
20 inches long

Today when you went to the doctor, you have some pretty impressive numbers!

Jensyn Kenedy-4 years old
35 lbs
40 1/2 inches tall


You still are my sunshine, and I love you to heaven and back.



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