My dear, dear friend, Lawna, who lives across the street from me told me the funniest story yesterday about my Jack-Truck. I've got to keep this in my memory forever!
So, we all know that John owns his landscape maintenance business. He works for many people within our ward boundaries, as well as many friends. Lawna and Harry are in both of those categories. John has been maintaining their yard for a few years now. Earlier this month, their grown son needed extra money so they offered for him to mow--which he did once. Then Harry covered for him and mowed the lawn, and finally, Lawna mowed the lawn. One afternoon, Jack sees Lawna out mowing her own lawn when Jack races down right to the end of the driveway and stops. When he gets a chance he yells over to her
"Hey, my dad is supposed to mow your lawn!" Lawna said that Jack meant business!
Apparently, Jack is our customer retention specialist. Now, John is back on the job.
Jack cracks me up.
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