Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Being Thankful

Today was quite an eventful day, to say the least. Every day I go into Logan's classroom to help her teacher for 20-30 minutes. Today was no exception. I love to see what Logan is learning about. She is doing so well! I also was able to help John get some mulch delivered by our supplier for a big job tomorrow. Although I did a lot, I still don't have much information to jot down. It is really interesting on days like today to really find something that I am thankful for. Sometimes the days just don't end, and it seems almost unbearable. Underneath it all, I know now what I am thankful for today...it has been under my nose all day.

1) My Parents. They saved my day today. I needed some help, they dropped everything they were doing and came to me. They trusted me with a no-questions-asked type of deal. Although it was nothing major, for me it was. My mom and dad have always been so willing to help wherever they can--and they have helped me in my life more than they will ever know. I hope that one day, I can either help them, or be as amazingly wonderful as they are to my own children. Really, my parents are one of John and my very best friends--and I have some pretty dang good friends. Mom and dad, if you read this, THANK YOU! We love you so very much.

2) Life. I am thankful for my life, for the life of my little kids, and also the life of John--among all of my wonderful friends and family. I have always been a worry wart. I worry when the phone rings that it is John and he has been in an accident. I worry that I will lose someone that I love. All. The. Time. I am also thankful that I care so much about those that I love. I could not imagine life without the amazing people that surround me. I remember a thought that I once heard that said "How wonderful it is to have someone that makes saying goodbye so hard." I have so many fabulous people living around me. With that being said, I am so very thankful for each and every day that we have. We never, ever know when we will run out of tomorrows. I am so thankful for today-and for the time I have been able to spend with the people that I love. Today. One of these days, I won't be afraid of death... or maybe I won't--but I am very glad to be alive. (Is that gloom and doomy?) Sorry.


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