I have been thinking a lot this past month on my Relief Society lesson that I will be giving this Sunday. I will be teaching on "Gaining Knowledge of Eternal Truths." OK, seriously-I read and re-read this lesson and I could never find the basis of my lesson. How would I present this? I feel like these Joseph Smith lessons are very hard! What ever happened to the lessons on Charity, Love, Forgiveness? I could teach on those. I sat down late one night and started preparing. I got a good portion of the lesson all prepared and then went to sleep. What happened next is beyond my imagination! I had a dream. I dreamed that I was at church, teaching my lesson. It was all laid out for me, but it was nothing like the one I had prepared that evening--and might I add, that the lesson in my dream went over fabulously! I woke up the next morning, basically scrapping my previous night's efforts. I know now how I am going to present this lesson. Honestly, this kind of stuff never happens to me. Weird. ANYWAYS, back to my thoughts and purpose. In light of our current situation with the government and specific propositions, I am taking that perspective. In a world like we have today, I am becoming completely obsessed with the way that (the people against Prop 8) are treating our church. I guess I call it "modern day persecution."
It scares me.
Are we strong enough to withstand this?
We have to be.
Gaining knowledge of eternal truths will allow us to not falter! In today's society, black is becoming white. What is the truth? So many people believe many things, and it is very obvious that the rest of the world thinks that our truth is a horrible lie. If we do not have an extensive and growing knowledge of the truth, we will lose it. This is where we get those who "resign" and fall away from the church.
In my lesson, I will be mentioning prop 8. So, to all my fans reading this (ha ha, just kidding) I need your input. Am I OK to open this up to discussion, or is it better left as it is? Will the RS ladies be offended? (I don't think that this touches home to anyone, but I don't want to offend.) Although, the church DOES say that we cannot be worried about offending a church member because of the truth. We cannot sugar-coat things that are wrong. How should I handle this? If you dare, let me know!
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