Thursday, January 22, 2009

To Chelsey, on your Birthday:

(By the way, that zit is on my face, in the same spot, as we speak!)

Honestly, all's I remember about us growing up is how RUDE and stuck-up I always was to you. I remember looking you up and down in the mirror each and every morning with the crusty look on my face. I remember living with you in California in Dad's condo, until the rest of the family moved down. And, during that time, I remember dad taking us to the store to buy underwear, days of the week underwear! Poor dad seemed so nervous to do that with us! I remember him spoiling us with pool toys. I remember the bike rides to Longs, Vons, and Martins in Bakersfield. (Is all I can remember is when I was 11 years old? How pathetic!)

You WERE K-L-C-Chelsey-Y. You were my very best friend. You were the secretary of our clubs, and only on special occasions did I allow for you to take over as President (not for long, though).

Thank you for all of the FUN years that we have had together.

  1. The time you called me from home when I was working at 60-minute photo, telling me that John had shown our door, and you telling me how HOT he was!
  2. The time when you called me from home when I was working at 60-minute photo, telling me that Randy dumped me. Seriously so funny!
  3. The time that John and I took you and all of your friends to Vandermeide in the back of of his Chevy truck when we were dating. I can't believe that you rode back there without any seat belts! I'm glad nothing happened! (After, John stopped off at the DI in Murray to give his friend a weapon!)
  4. All of the trips out to the desert together with our lovers. Aren't they SO cute!
  5. I LOVED spending time with you at the hospital when you were getting ready to have Hogan. That was a really really fun time.
  6. I LOVED that you took the time to be at the hospital with me when I was having Logan. John had to be at work, so you stepped in to be there with me. THANK YOU!! (Then I got sent home after a whole day of being induced!)





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