Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy

The news of Jack needed to get his tonsils removed shocked me.  Last October, I took Jack to his well child check-up.  He rarely sees the doctor unless it is for well-child and immunizations.  When Dr. Lei said that he has huge tonsils, I was floored.  He looked over his records to make sure that he hadn't been in for tonsillitis or other throat related problems.  He hadn't.  He is one healthy little man.  I was referred to Dr. Grimmer at PMC in SLC.  We waited 3 months for his appointment and finally met him for the first time yesterday.  He agreed with Dr. Lei and suggested surgery.  I was impressed that they had 1 opening for the following day and then if we didn't take that time, we would wait 3-4 weeks.  I jumped on the opening for the following day...less anticipation, less stress, less worry.  He was such a sweet big boy!

Here's how our day rolled out...

Alligator ready to have surgery!

Pre-Op appointment with vitals

Checking into the hospital

More vitals

He loved being able to 'toot around' in his truck for the morning.

His jammies for the stay

Getting ready to part ways

Anesthesiologist takes him away, Jack drives to the OR room

One last look

After surgery, being wheeled to recovery

One sad little boy

BUT, a brave little boy!  He was so brave that he even got a prize.
He chose a car, who'd have guessed?

A wagon ride to the car with his slushee in tow.

I hope life without your tonsils is great!



He is so cute i could just hug him. :D and reading this blog post was fun. Thanks for sharing it.

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